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New SkyCart™ Model - Designed on a Customer’s Suggestion

Meet our newest model: SkyCart™ SCP611 “Passport Stamps on Distressed Aircraft Skin”

This newest addition to our collection of stylish airline trolleys for home or office use was created on the suggestion of a customer from Canada who had a clear idea of what he wanted.

Yes, there should be passport stamps on the panels. But they should not be just on plain white or any other color that might come to mind. He wants them on a background that looks like weathered, scratched and dented aluminum of a vintage aircraft.

Luck has it that we already have a suitable background design. It is being used on our “Nose Art” SkyCarts. The modification was easy to do for our graphic designer. But there is an interesting story about how we got to get this background. More about that in a minute. Let’s first take a detailed look at the new creation:

And now to the question “How did we do it?”. Where did we find the skin of a real vintage aircraft? Here is the story:

Last year, when we were looking for a background for our nose art designs (see here:, it happened that a privately owned DC-3 visited our airport here in the Spruce Creek fly-in. When I went out to take a closer look at the airplane with the intent to take photos, I was initially disappointed because the airplane was painted white and blue. I was hoping for one with a polished aluminum finish. This is what the aircraft looked like most everywhere:

Not so suitable for my purpose. But, when I went around the airplane, it turned out the engine cowlings were not painted. They looked exactly like what I had been hoping for:

That is not bad at all. But it gets much better than that. I needed to go to the other side, with the sun in my back. This was exactly what I had in mind:

Here you can see how the sun generates reflections on the aluminum. Talking about reflections, you can even see my own mirror image on the airplane skin. Yes, I am wearing a blue sweater. It is Florida, but it is Florida on a chilly February morning. Once in while we need a sweater - even here.

Also, do you notice how the cowling seems much darker at the bottom than towards the top part? This is because of the light conditions at that particular moment and the color gradient also shows on our SkyCart™.

And last not least, this is a picture showing our new SkyCart SCP 611 with the proud model for its skin in the background: